donderdag 8 maart 2012

Sufjan Stevens, Son Lux, and Serengeti are releasing an EP as s / s / s. It will be released on the Anticon label and will be titled Beak & Claw. The EP will contain four tracks, and next to the main artists already mentioned it also features contributions by Shara Worden and Doseone. The songs are called ‘Museum Day’, ‘Beyond Any Doubt’, ‘If This is Real’, and ‘Octomom’.

Beyond any doubt, that is the best salmon I’ve ever head, Auntie Bella bellowed through the restaurant. Now I know that couldn’t be true, Little Frenkie Solomondz thought, for last week at La Frenca’s she said the exact same thing, and one of them has to be not true. It is funny, he thought, what people consider beyond any doubt, for history has shown “people” being wrong time and time again. Sure, in this case there isn’t any problem (unless the cook at Frenca’s finds out, because I saw him when entering the restaurant, and oh boy if he ever hears Auntie Bella has said that his salmon ain’t the best...), but if we’re so sure about the little things, we’re gonna be sure about the big ones as well, and the bigger the fish, the bigger the problem. Imagine someone hearing  that despite his four hour prep his giant squid with fennelseeds isn’t the best after all, whooaa!

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