maandag 6 december 2010

Crazy Zany Radio Sunday - 'Good Day Today' by David Lynch

Every week our contributors will voice their opinion concerning one song, it’s a simple as that! The more the merrier, so people are always welcome to join in, just leave a note, eh.

Track of the week: ‘Good Day Today’ by David Lynch (listen here)
Average grade: 4.5

The heavily treated vocals make it impossible to determine whether David Lynch has a good voice or not, and create a sound which could be compared to Hal from Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddyssey (to stay in terms of movies) deciding to pursuit a career in an electro band. Though I'm clearly not a fan of the whole deformed vocals thing, in this case it somehow has a strange appeal. The dreamy music is very enjoyable too and I can imagine it as the soundtrack to a stop-motion clip of a cityscape at night. In the long run, Lynch is probably better off directing weird films, but 'Good Day Today' is certainly not a bad effort and I hope he will direct a nice videoclip to go with the song's atmosphere.

The thing that strikes me the most is how normal this sounds. From Lynch's cinematic universe you'd expect that if he released music it would be the type that would make nutcrackers come to life and howl in the middle of the night while dragging their talons across blackboards - or something along those lines. However, this is a very standard electropop tune. I do like the robotic melancholy even though it's miles away from being anything remotely new in the electronic world, and it's nice to see that he took on the production of the tune himself. I could do without those abrupt gunshot sounds; they ruin the mood the rest of the song meticulously weaves. Still, this one definitely makes me curious about the music he's giving us next.

Linda: Is this what David Lynch sounds like when he records a single? Really?
6/10 (I'm too surprised to actually rate the song so I'm just going with a pass grade)

Craig: David Lynch is perhaps one of the most influential artists of our time. He speaks a great deal to me, personally, on a level that is reserved for true revolutionaries with a keen eye & the highest sensitivity to our present human condition.

Unfortunately, this song is just really, really bad. It's also kind of offensive to hear a rich American decry war because he'd rather have a 'good day.' It seems far too shallow.

Stef: Just add this to the long list of things by David Lynch I don’t get.

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