zaterdag 17 september 2011

Brian Eno to come with new EP

WARP will be releasing a new EP by Brian Eno. The EP, called The Panic of Looking, will contain six tracks, which we will be able to hear on the 7th of November. An important contribution will be made by Rick Holland. Holland, who last year saw the release of his first poetry collection called Story the Flowers, is responsible for the words on the tracks.

The panic of looking is something that especially concerns the male gaze. The fear of having someone noticing you watching that person. Generally, this is seen as an healthy anxiety (it means that you are not an obnoxious prick with no regard for your surroundings), but it can also balloon in the unwanted side effect that you cannot enjoy anything of beauty anymore. For if you think something/someone is beautiful, you tend to let your eyes stay there for a little while longer, increasing the chance that indeed the beauteous creature (or whatever) might notice that eyes are upon it (as generally we are talking about an object of affection anyway, ‘it’ seemed appropriate enough). After which panic strikes and you quickly have to look at those beautiful Cirrocumulus in the skies. Doing this too often, however, will feel rather forced, so a long term strategy this is not. So, after having exhausted this and other methods, one feels it has to abandon all forms of looking, which prohibits this person from enjoying whatever beauty it was beholding. Not only that, this in itself starts to feel forced and might even feel like this person is giving the lovely of loveliest the cold shoulder. Quite the opposite of what one wants to achieve. Obviously, the best medicine is, if one is noticed that one has let its gaze linger, to smile, though such a humane act might cause instant dissolving into little molecules of petrification.

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