donderdag 15 september 2011

New Look to release debut later this month

Later this month the band New Look will be releasing their debut album. It will be released on one of my favorite labels, K7!, and it will be self-titled. The album will be comprised of ten tracks, including songs like Teen Need, Drive You Home, and Relax You Mind.

Of many people the mind tends to be a busy place. It comes up with thoughts, anxieties, stories, wanderings, etcetera. A much heard demand of people to their mind is, Relax, you mind, I need some peace and quiet up there! Peter Hobbistz thought, Ah, what an opportunity! If I can find a way to relax the mind, I’ll become rich! Everyone wants that machine! So he started working on it, long days, long nights. And on one night he suddenly went, Eureka!, as he thought he had invented a device to put the mind in relaxation. He attached it to himself, pressed the On button, and whaddaya know, it worked! His mind was completely relaxed! So much so that his mind never thought about turning the device off again, and so four days later Hobbistz was found dead, having died of starvation. The people who found him thought the device was at fault and, whatever it as, it should be thrown away. So there it went, crushed by much heavier machinery than itself was, its function never to be celebrated.

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