zondag 8 november 2009

Crazy Zany Radio Sunday - Ambling Alp by Yeasayer

Het concept is heel simpel: een groep mensen luistert naar hetzelfde nummer en iedereen geeft z’n mening, alsof we samen in een kamer zitten en het nummer komt langs op de radio. Stein zei a bus is a bus is a bus, en sommige vonden het post-modernisme, andere vonden het onleesbaar. Sommige vinden Duchamp’s Fontein kunst, sommige vinden het onzin. Stein sloeg Duchamp’s neus eraf en zette het op zijn kop, en zij vond het hilarisch, en Duchamp een stuk minder. Kortom, iedereen vindt iets anders leuk of kunst of mooi. Dus vandaar hier zes meningen in zes stijlen, en zet jouw mening over het nummer vooral hieronder, of join the team voor deze column, the more the merrier! En ja, meestal zal iedereen het oneens zijn, maar daarom blijft muziek in flux, nietwaar?

Track: ‘Ambling Alp’ by Yeasayer (listen here)
Average grade: 5.8

Jox: This is a strange one. A real puzzler. I love the ambient background - the barely there-ness of it all is damn etheral, and damn good. But the vocals? Atrocious. I never thought I could consider vocals a distraction from the melody, but this is what happens here.

Anna: The song feels like it's all over the place and yet you (yes, you) know it's cohesive. The unsteady vocals combined with the clever musical twists and turns result to a tune immensely enjoyable. We (yes, we) want more!

Linda: When I heard Yeasayer for the first time, I was positively surprised. This time, not so much. To me, this song could have just as easily come of their first album, which isn't a good thing since that came out almost three years ago. And with that amount of time, you ought to be able to make at least some progress, shouldn't you?

Jon: Is it bath time in the Yeasayer household? I like the aquatic effects at the start. Mix this with the reflective thoughts the lyrics push and it makes me imagine the band splashing around in puddles, having a rare old time whilst they contemplate how to hit the future running. The music reminds me of OMD, whom I didn't like in their day, but I grew to appreciate over recent years.

Stef: “Stick up for yourself son / never mind what anybody else done”, there’s something about that line that totally rubs me the wrong way, perhaps (and I’m going on a limb here!) it’s the forced rhyme. We can’t all be Edgar Allan Poe, I know, but rhyme should be more fluent than that or not be there at all. The vocals, I don’t know which one of them is singing, but there is something quivering in there that I don’t particularly fancy.

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