maandag 22 augustus 2011

Canyons announce debut

This November we will see the release of the debut album by Canyons. This will be done through Modular. The Australian duo already has some releases to its name, including ones on DFA (and including the awesome ‘Fire Eyes’). Now they are trying to see if they can put out something magnificent in album form. The album will count eleven tracks, and it will be called Keep Your Dreams

Leo Engelstein was a man devoid of much fantasy. He rather stuck to the facts and to things you can measure, and for that he loved cooking as he could measure sugar and the chocolate cake would turn out perfectly every time. But from his childhood on everyone always told him, Follow your dreams Leo Engelstein! He had none, but the pleas for him to do this were so persistent he thought that life must be without merit if you don't follow your dreams. In order to acquire dreams, he decided to steal those of others and follow those. The fulfillment was not completely there however, when Engelstein was finally able to buy the Thighmaster 3000 and to drop to 90 kilos (for which he had to gain a good 25 of them, which left him not very amused and with a donut bill of over 100 dollars per month). When he looked in the mirror and a self-hatred welled up unrivalled since 1834 (General Mordani, oi…) he smashed the mirror, yelled, Keep your dreams Maggie Portaritz!, and then he immediately went to the shop to buy some Slimfast.

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